Yk Animation
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Yk Animation
Kategorien: Unknown
- Handynummer
- 079 154 11 87
- Webseite
- www.yetikollektiv.ch
- Adresse
- Laubeggstr 22, Bern, 3006
0 Kundenbewertung
Bewertung verfassenWe produce short animated films as well as music clips for upcoming Bands In addition to that, we are working on concepts, storyboards, animatics, animations, productions and postproductions in collaborations with our clients for their own individual customized commercials
- Beschreibung
We produce short animated films as well as music clips for upcoming Bands In addition to that, we are working on concepts, storyboards, animatics, animations, productions and postproductions in collaborations with our clients for their own individual customized commercials
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